Hi everyone, it seems like I am very lazy - the last post was... oh, a long time ago. But the truth
is completely opposite. It's a very short story - here at my place it's BUSY, very busy.
Do I need extra hands on board? Well, from time to time my husband mentions a quite old movie "Multiplicity" in which Michael Keaton plays a very busy man and therefore gets cloned.
This man ends up with three clones - the last one needed special care but the first and second ones were helpful. Should I start to think about it? Well, I am not sure especially when I recall the picture of the third clone shaving his... tongue instead of his beard, being very happy, I must admit. Should I mention that he wears ski goggles all the time too? Yes, he might keep me even busier... So I'll probably try to keep up good organization and get some helpers.
Hoping that everything is going well at your places! Here are few pictures of Crostata di Ricotta - Italian cheseecake, which you can try at Dan&DeCarlo cafe if it hasn't... run out.
I hope to bring a little bit more about this cafe soon...
is completely opposite. It's a very short story - here at my place it's BUSY, very busy.
Do I need extra hands on board? Well, from time to time my husband mentions a quite old movie "Multiplicity" in which Michael Keaton plays a very busy man and therefore gets cloned.
This man ends up with three clones - the last one needed special care but the first and second ones were helpful. Should I start to think about it? Well, I am not sure especially when I recall the picture of the third clone shaving his... tongue instead of his beard, being very happy, I must admit. Should I mention that he wears ski goggles all the time too? Yes, he might keep me even busier... So I'll probably try to keep up good organization and get some helpers.
Hoping that everything is going well at your places! Here are few pictures of Crostata di Ricotta - Italian cheseecake, which you can try at Dan&DeCarlo cafe if it hasn't... run out.
I hope to bring a little bit more about this cafe soon...
Dzien dobry wszystkim! Wyglada na to,ze jestem bardzo leniwym stworzeniem - ostatni post udalo mi sie opublikowac ..no dawno temu. Jednak prawda jest zupelnie inna i bardzo prosta - pracowicie u mnie ostatnio, bardzo pracowicie. Dodatkowa para rak pozadana! Od czasu do czasu moj maz wspomina film "Multiplicity", w ktorym Michael Keaton gra bardzo zajetego mezczyzne i nie dajac sobie rady z obowiazkami, postanawia sie sklonowac.
Ostatecznie ma w tym filmie trzy klony - jeden z nich, ostatni wyglada raczej na klon specjalnej troski, ale dwa pierwsze okazuja sie czasami pomocne. Moze powinnam o tym pomyslec? Sama nie wiem, a moja pewnosc dodatkowo burzy przypomnienie jedenej ze scen filmu, w ktorej trzeci klon goli sobie ..jezyk, pomine juz ten drobny fakt,ze stale chodzi w goglach narciarskich.
Tak sobie mysle, ze posiadanie takiego klona mogloby wzmozyc ilosc moich obowiazkow.
W zwiazku z tym moze lepiej pozostane przy dobrej organizacji pracy.
Ostatecznie ma w tym filmie trzy klony - jeden z nich, ostatni wyglada raczej na klon specjalnej troski, ale dwa pierwsze okazuja sie czasami pomocne. Moze powinnam o tym pomyslec? Sama nie wiem, a moja pewnosc dodatkowo burzy przypomnienie jedenej ze scen filmu, w ktorej trzeci klon goli sobie ..jezyk, pomine juz ten drobny fakt,ze stale chodzi w goglach narciarskich.
Tak sobie mysle, ze posiadanie takiego klona mogloby wzmozyc ilosc moich obowiazkow.
W zwiazku z tym moze lepiej pozostane przy dobrej organizacji pracy.
Majac nadzieje, ze wasze dni mijaja lagodnie, bez wiekszych przeszkod i bez potrzeby zadnego klona zapraszam do zobaczenia kilku zdjec pysznego Crostata di Ricotta, wloskiego sernika, ktorego mozecie sprobowac w kafejce Dan&DeCarlo na East Finchley.
Have a happy, sunny hour, day, week!
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